[ubuntu-za] Help please

Charl Wentzel charl.wentzel at vodamail.co.za
Tue Jul 13 08:08:22 BST 2010

On Tue, 2010-07-13 at 08:57 +0200, Raoul Snyman wrote:
> On Fri, 1 Jan 1988 00:44:13 +0200, <paul at clanangus.co.za> wrote:
> > Thank you for the response. I cannot get online with the new pc, it has
> a
> > partial windows installation on it (XP). On another pc, looking at the
> > portable disc (sorry, not removeable) All files appear to be there
> together
> > with an wubi.exe. I thought that Ubuntu does not have .exe files? Can I
> not
> > set up a command from the run line?
> That's Wubi - which you don't want. You need to set your computer to boot
> from the drive the CD is in.
Hi Thanks for the response. I have not got a clue. I have a new pc with
a partial xp installation. Can I not set up a command in windows to run
wubi.exe which I see on the disk? Paul

Hi Paul

When you boot you need to tell the PC to boot from your portable drive.
You can't do this from Windows.  Most PC's have an option where you can
press F12 during boot up to select the device you wish to boot from.
Failing that, you'll need to go in to your PC's BIOS to tell it to boot
from the portable drive.


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