[ubuntu-za] LAMP vs Web server

Frank Kusel frankk at ansys.co.za
Thu Jul 8 16:43:14 BST 2010

Check in /var/log/apache2/error.log and in /var/log/mysql.err.

The errors would not necessarily be visible in the generated page.

I'm going home, so I can only help you again tomorrow :-(

Good luck till then.


On 2010/07/08 05:32 PM, Darrel wrote:
> Ok Frank I am not sure how to check these files,there is also no
> indication of any errors occuring at all,it just looks as if the php
> code is not being parsed.
> On Thu, 2010-07-08 at 16:01 +0200, Frank Kusel wrote:
>> Also check your apache and database log files.
>> Errors logged there, often indicate quite clearly what the problem is...
>> Regards,
>> Frank
>> On 2010/07/08 11:37 AM, Darrel wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> I am not sure whether I should be asking for advice regarding a small
>>> php script that queries a mysql database on the Ubuntu lists forum but
>>> here goes :
>>> Attached is the script written using very basic php commands.
>>> When I run this script on my LAMP server (using 10.04) it works
>>> fine,however when I load it onto a web server(running Apache) it only
>>> produces the background colour and headers.It does not show the actual
>>> data from the db.
>>> I realise that version s of the different components comprising the LAMP
>>> server may differ but surely using basic php it should not make a
>>> difference?
>>> Running a different script on the Web server produces the data but I
>>> don't like the format compared to my "faulty" script.
>>> Darrel Letley
>> -- 
>> Frank Kusel
>> IT Manager


Frank Kusel
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