[ubuntu-za] LAMP vs Web server

Darrel darrel at celebrationsfs.co.za
Thu Jul 8 10:37:16 BST 2010

Hi All,
I am not sure whether I should be asking for advice regarding a small
php script that queries a mysql database on the Ubuntu lists forum but
here goes :

Attached is the script written using very basic php commands.
When I run this script on my LAMP server (using 10.04) it works
fine,however when I load it onto a web server(running Apache) it only
produces the background colour and headers.It does not show the actual
data from the db.

I realise that version s of the different components comprising the LAMP
server may differ but surely using basic php it should not make a

Running a different script on the Web server produces the data but I
don't like the format compared to my "faulty" script.

Darrel Letley


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