[ubuntu-za] My Ubuntu 9.10 has been hacked. Need help

Jason Plank plank.jason at gmail.com
Tue Jul 6 11:52:57 BST 2010

Hi Guys

I hope someone can help or give me some advice. I've got Ubuntu 9.10 running
on one of our pc's at work as a LAMP server for joomla and I've also got
virtualbox installed running NT4 workstation for a project we're working on.
My problem is that some idiot has hacked the system and I can't seem to
block him. I've tried turning of Remote Desktop, but he still get's in and
changes settings. I've also disabled a whole bunch of startup daemons. We're
also behind a DLINK DFL-210 firewall and I've set it to drop incoming RDP
and telnet connections, but he still seems to be getting in. Can anyone give
any ideas as to what I can do, other than format and redo the system?



Nothing is as wonderful as knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. I have given up
everything else and count it all as garbage. All I want is Christ -
Philippians 3:8 CEV
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