[ubuntu-za] CapeTown/Stellenbosch Lucid Release Party

David Rubin drubin at ubuntu.com
Mon Apr 19 23:50:35 BST 2010

Good Morning Ubuntunites

So it is official we have a release party.

1) Venue Maia's housse
2) Date/Time  10:00am - 17:00pm or when ever people feel like missioning
3) Munchies    We are going to have a braai.
4) Repo's        'n boer maak 'n plan
5) Interewebs  There is always the next door nabours wifi
6) People???

Ok well 6) is completely dependent on you guys coming. Basically the
idea is to meet at the Spar[1]  around the corner from Maia's house at
10am and we go there together as a group. I set up an event on the
loco directory [2] so could you please mark what your chances of
attending are?

Should be cool, we will hopefully have some cool demo's. (if any one
is interested in demoing a cool new feature of Lucid give me a shout
and we will make it happen).

[1] http://is.gd/bzOx8
[2] http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/team/76/detail/

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