[ubuntu-za] cpu advice

frans dormakorp at vodamail.co.za
Mon Apr 12 10:14:09 BST 2010

On 10/04/12 09:24 AM, Hannes Coetzee wrote:
> On 12/04/2010 08:27, frans wrote:
>> On 10/04/09 22:31, Nic Roets wrote:
>>> On Fri, Apr 9, 2010 at 2:29 PM, frans<dormakorp at vodamail.co.za>    wrote:
>>>> We're thinking of getting a new laptop. just one issue I cannot yet
>>>> decide and would like some advice on.
>>>> Which CPU would be best.... core i3 or AMD turion both are about 2.1Ghz
>>>>     speed.
>>>> any advice or thought would be appreciated even a flame war on this
>>>> quiet Friday. :)
>>> Tell us what applications you want to run, what CPU you're currently
>>> running and if they are currently responsive enough. My instinct is to
>>> go for AMD simply because South Africans (irrationally) prefer the
>>> bigger brand (Intel) and importers and retails will build it into the
>>> price.
>>> I disagree with Hilton regarding 64-bit being essential. If you never
>>> use 4 GB RAM then the extra transistors in a 64-bit laptop will just
>>> increase your battery consumption unnecessarily.
>> Thanks.
>> We did go with the Turion there, mostly because I'm an AMD fan, the i3
>> does have a better cpu rating, (under win 7) but the Turion have almost
>> double the memory performance... the Turion's hard drive are smaller,
>> though.
>> Frans
> Even Intel Celeron CPU's are 64bit now - take a look at lshw -C CPU .
I've checked and  that's true my 2 year old 1800GHz cpu do seem to have 
64bit capability... will try to utilize this when upgrading to 10.04 
later this year...or next year maybe this is our data server.

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