[ubuntu-za] Ubuntu-ZA Moving Forward
David Rubin
drubin at ubuntu.com
Sun Apr 11 21:05:14 BST 2010
>> <raoul.snyman at saturnlaboratories.co.za> wrote:
>> > On Sunday 11 April 2010 20:01:02 David Rubin wrote:
>> >> Do we:
>> >> 1) Set up a dedicated bank account,
>> >> 2) Set up a paypal account,
>> >> 3) Appoint a person to keep track of the funds (publicly) and just
>> >> keep the money safe, or
>> >> 4) Hide some money under a bed.
>> >
>> > I think that we can get funding, but unfortunately all 4 of these
>> > options rely
>> > on one thing: having a person manage the finances. And no one ever
>> > really
>> > wants that job (no matter what they say).
>> >
>> > I think that having *sponsors* rather than *donors* is a better idea. A
>> > sponsor can sponsor something like hosting or a VPS or something. Then
>> > no
>> > money has to exchange hands (which you need a legal entity for, btw) and
>> > no
>> > one is dumped with the job of being treasurer.
>> >
>> > Also, from the company's perspective, often it's easier from an
>> > accounting
>> > point of view to work with sponsorship than with donations.
>> I really like this suggestion. I think it would work for most of what
>> we need "funding for" which basically would be hosting +
>> posters/cds/stickers every now and again.
>> I think we still need to try and find these *sponsors* though ;-p
> Hi Dave
> Try these for sponsorship: http://webapps.ubuntu.com/marketplace/africa/
> Personally I feel a much better job could be done with the marketplace web
> page.
> As a small business owner or professional all I would want to know is, "who
> supports Ubuntu in my suburb/town/city and are they reputable ?".
> There should be a simple search function where I can search by city. The
> search program can be programmed to return LoCo results first, then service
> providers, then Ubuntu partners. This gives LoCo's a "commercial" incentive
> to provide support.
> Just my 2c.
It would be cool to approach the people that are listed on that site
for sponsor ship though.
I am not sure Loco's want to stand providing Commercial support. This
has a whole lot of other implications even more so then getting
funding registering as an official non profit and other huge amounts
of red tape ;/
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