[ubuntu-za] RESTORE AFTER 8.04 CRASH?

Vincent bullet at ballmail.co.za
Thu Apr 1 06:44:01 BST 2010

Stefano Rivera wrote:
> Hi Vincent (2010.03.28_20:37:52_+0200)
>> Synaptic shows that everything is up to date, all the latest updates are 
>> here, but am getting the following error message when trying to connect 
>> vmc via a terminal..
>> "From pytz import timezone
>> import error no module named pytz
>> line 3 twistd: command not found"
> I know nothing about sbackup, but:
> You are missing python-tz and python-twisted-core.
> Why don't you go and download the vodafone mobile connect package again,
> installing it from the deb should pull in all the dependencies it needs.
> SR
Hi Stefano,

I have downloaded the above and other packages via windows, but the 
dependency list just keeps growing!

Your suggestion re the vmc package would work perfectly, except that I'd 
need to be in 8.04 and online in order to pull in all the dependencies 
and thats my problem :-(


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