[ubuntu-za] Just to Introduce Myself

Sudhashen Naicker sudhashen at ixion.co.za
Mon Feb 23 06:44:18 GMT 2009


Everything of the best and don't hesitate to ask anything here. 

------Original Message------
From: Bruno Mondego
To: Ubuntu South African Local Community
ReplyTo: Ubuntu South African Local Community
Sent: Feb 23, 2009 08:41
Subject: [ubuntu-za] Just to Introduce Myself

hello all, recently i joined your mailing list, since you guys are the 
closest to my hometown

i live in Maputo Mozambique
and just recently (say 1 year ago) i got into the wonderfull world of Linux 
and Ubuntu.

loving the experience, and with hunger for more.

im fascinated on how active this mailing list is.
we currently dont have one in mozambique that i know of, although the number 
of linux aficionados is increasingly growing.

a centre for learning about foss and a few linux users, are with the ideia 
to create the first moz LUG, well see how that goes...

anyways, just to say hello to you all, and ill try to help and be helped 
anyway i can. have a nice monday


Bruno Marques
Área Técnica
TropicalWeb - http://www.tropical.co.mz
Cell: +258 82 620 6200 

ubuntu-za mailing list
ubuntu-za at lists.ubuntu.com

Kind Regards

Sudhashen Naicker
Ixion InfoTech
Landline : 0116954887
Contact : 0825688455

Affiliated with SoftstartBTI SEDA Incubator Initiative

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