[ubuntu-za] Updating Without a Local Connection

James Cuénod j3frea at gmail.com
Tue Feb 17 12:01:51 GMT 2009

Thanks Hilton,
Unfortunately I am on a small campus with only a couple of people who
use linux (i.e. not Tuks :D).

It looks like I'll try to get a connection at least for the apt-get
update process and then use a script to get the actual packages that
I'm wanting. Thanks for all the assistance.

On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 11:21 AM, Morgan Collett <morgan at ubuntu.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 16, 2009 at 18:51, James Cuénod <j3frea at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I am running Kubuntu 8.10 64 bit on my laptop. I am at varsity right now
>> and am not allowed to connect my laptop to their network (because the
>> lecturers' PCs are all on it). I know that an update script can be
>> generated using synaptic (which, strangely, came by default with my
>> install - along with adept which I am not too fond of). So my question is
>> two fold;
>> 1. How can I update my sources.list
> It sounds like you want to check for updated packages, without a
> direct connection. The update scripts don't do that - they only
> download packages they already know about.
> I suggest you get online somehow, even if you have to pay, and do the
> Reload in Synaptic (or sudo apt-get update).
>> 2. Does anyone have any words of wisdom regarding generating the update
>> script with synaptic. Thanks
> Click on package and mark for installation - or "Mark All Updates" if
> you want to update packages. Then without clicking Apply, click File /
> Generate package download script. That will prompt to save a script
> somewhere. That script will look like:
> #!/bin/sh
> wget -c http://za.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/2/2vcard/2vcard_0.5-3_all.deb
> (and more wget lines.)
> You can run that on any other system that has wget - another Linux
> system, or Windows with wget.
> Then bring the resulting deb files on a CD, USB stick etc and run
> Synaptic again and do File / Add downloaded packages which will prompt
> you for the directory where the debs are.
> Regards
> Morgan
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