[ubuntu-za] Problem burning ISO to DVD

Robert Holm robhholm at lantic.net
Sat Feb 7 16:14:01 GMT 2009

On Sat, 2009-02-07 at 16:35 +0200, Marius Kruger wrote:
> 2009/2/7 Robert Holm <robhholm at lantic.net>
>         Hi all,
>         About once a month I make a live DVD backup of my complete
>         system (8.10) using remastersys.
>         When I write the ISO to a rewritable DVD in Ubuntu I obviously
>         have to agree to the DVD being erased, and the ISO is then
>         burned.
>         The resulting DVD either invariably fails the integrity check,
>         or fails to mount at all with message "unable to mount disk -
>         no medium found".
>         However, if I first use Nero in Windows to erase the DVD, I
>         can then go back into Ubuntu and burn a disk that passes the
>         integrity check without a problem every time.
>         Is there any way I can obviate this excursion into foreign
>         shoals?
> maybe try to erase it under linux with K3B or something
> (if that works then at least you don't have to boot win)

Installed k3b and gave it a try, but the integrity check gave: "check
finished - errors found in 1 file". I then took the Nero route again and
it worked perfectly. Strange!

But thanks for the suggestion.

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