[ubuntu-za] SARS EFiling
Chris Schoonbee
cmschoonbee at mweb.co.za
Fri Feb 6 11:41:22 GMT 2009
Jonathan Hitchcock wrote:
> Hi,
> On 06 Feb 2009, at 12:52 PM, Tim Johnson wrote:
>> I am having problems filing my tax return using eFiling.
>> I have Opera 9.62 and Adobe Reader 8.13
>> Filling in the forms is no problem, but when trying to "Save Online"
>> or
>> "File" I get an error message
>> "Cannot handle content type: text/html; charset=utf-8"
>> Any advice please? (Yesterday was the cutoff date!)
> You have to use the Adobe plugin in your browser. If you install the
> acroread-plugins, it will give you the plugin for firefox - I have no
> idea about Opera.
> You can't use the standalone Adobe Reader - it uses the browser's
> login session to submit the form, it seems.
> Cheers,
> -Jonathan
That's the trouble we incorrigible procrastinators get into for leaving
things to the last minute as usual. :-)
I also got the same error yesterday using Firefox. (I had to print it
out and take it to SARS physically to beat the deadline, but I least I
did not have join the queues for further help.)
I already have the Firefox Adobe Reader 8.0 plugin enabled (as Jonathan
suggested) so there must be something else wrong.
By the way, I tried to submit it (from a copy on a usb stick) from a
friend's MSWindows computer with Adobe 9.0 and also got an error (but it
did not say what the problem was).
Please let us know if and how you come right.
I see that Jonathan says we needed the Firefox Adobe plugin. If you try
that, won't you let us know if it works.
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