[ubuntu-za] IPV6 vs IPV4

Lee Sharp leesharp at hal-pc.org
Sun Aug 30 22:06:02 BST 2009

Quintin Beukes wrote:
> Out of curiosity, what is defined as "turning it off". Just not 
> configuring an IP address, or literally removing it from the kernel?

No, as the kernel doesn't use it...  But Network Manager will try to use 
it...  Then try IPv4.  Look in the logs.  And many applications will try 
something with it, like in the firefox about:config under 
network.dns.disable-ipv6 (from memory so there may be typos...) where it 
tries IPV6 DNS lookup for every attempt.  So it really can be a bit of 
digging...  The network manager thing is one reason why disabling 
network manager and using a static IP is so much faster.

There.  Clear as muddy water? :)


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