[ubuntu-za] Ubuntu Township Outreach
William Walter Kinghorn
williamk at dut.ac.za
Fri Aug 28 11:03:12 BST 2009
Hi Andre,
2 very good ideas
screencasts : need to decide if the schools will be using LTS version, or 6 month version of Ubuntu, if LTS, then you only need to update screencasts every 2 years
IRC and Forums : this will only work if the school has Internet, so this is a good idea for schools that have internet. Possibly, what can be setup is a wireless mesh within a group of schools, and have IRC and Forums within that wireless mesh, which as time goes on can be connected to the internet
From: ubuntu-za-bounces at lists.ubuntu.com [ubuntu-za-bounces at lists.ubuntu.com] On Behalf Of Andre Hugo [cortexhugo at mac.com]
Sent: 28 August 2009 11:49
To: Ubuntu South African Local Community
Subject: Re: [ubuntu-za] Ubuntu Township Outreach
What about making screencasts about various topics and providing that
on a dvd to the school.
This will then be available even if the teacher leaves and could also
be used for teaching the children.
One should also educate then on the use of IRC and Forums so that they
can try and solve their own problems. This is how we all try to fix
our problems.
Just a few ideas.
On 28 Aug 2009, at 11:38 AM, William Walter Kinghorn wrote:
> Hi Frank,
> The problem with the "expert", is that they generally have jobs, so
> they can only help out after hours, when they are tired ad don't
> want to see a computer or be asked questions
> That is why we need to make the experts, by providing training for
> the School Computer Club initially, and then let the now "experts"
> teach the new club members, and then these now "experts" teach the
> new club members, recursively, I hope you know what I mean
> Once this is set up, the "experts" that you are talking about, will
> only be there as a backup if anything major happens, where the
> teachers and students can't fix it
> Will still need to setup a Schools LUG, where schools get together,
> so that they can collaborate with the experts, and other schools
> William
> ________________________________________
> From: ubuntu-za-bounces at lists.ubuntu.com [ubuntu-za-bounces at lists.ubuntu.com
> ] On Behalf Of Frank Kusel [frankk at ansys.co.za]
> Sent: 28 August 2009 11:04
> To: Ubuntu South African Local Community
> Subject: Re: [ubuntu-za] Ubuntu Township Outreach
> Agreed.
> I think staying involved, even if it is electronically, is critical.
> Having an expert to ask about things is the only way for such a school
> to really get into a computer environment.
> William Walter Kinghorn wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> A problem with TuxLabs is not the initial stage, it is afterwards
>> A schools get a TuxLab, they run it for a year or 2
>> The one and only Teacher that runs the lab leaves, no one else
>> takes over
>> The lab runs until problems start, but there is no one to fix it,
>> or to update it
> --
> Frank Küsel
> ANSYS Limited
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