No subject

Wed Aug 26 22:14:35 BST 2009

We as the Linux community setup the School Computer Clubs, where we teach t=
he teachers ( note plural ) and the Students ( note plural ) on how to get =
a Club and a Lab up and running

When new members join the School Computer Club, the club members teach them=
, and so on, so hopefully the School Computer Club, will get new members ea=
ch year from the school ( both students and teachers ), and we wont have th=
e problem when the one and only teacher leaves

This way, the school owns the School Computer Club, and the lab/s

If a business wants to sponsor the Lab, call it "BusinessName Lab"

The club can be called "SchoolName School Computer Club"

This is the next important part, we need to set up an School Computer Club =
Outreach Program or whatever you want to call it

If this is going to be from ubuntu-za, then possibly call it "Ubuntu School=
 Computer Club Outreach Program"

The job of the "School Computer Club Outreach Program", it to provide thing=
s like :
1. Documentation
2. Initial setup of School Computer Club, possibly need to get sponsorship =
or donations
3. Teach how to install Ubuntu Desktop, Ubuntu Server, Ubutnu LTSP, Edubunt=
4. lots of schools don't have internet, so we will need to get the reposito=
ries onto a server, which we possibly update every month
5. Need to decide if the School Computer Club will ust LTS versions ( every=
 2 Years ), or the latest  ( every 6 Months ), need to consider also that y=
ou can only update at the end of the year for next year
6. Visit the schools every now and again, to see how they are doing
7. Have Meetings, like LUGs
8. Set up one or more labs

Here is my list so far

From: ubuntu-za-bounces at [ubuntu-za-bounces at
m] On Behalf Of casley mphuthi [cas.mot at]
Sent: 27 August 2009 08:56
To: ubuntu-za at
Subject: Re: [ubuntu-za] Ubuntu Township Outreach

hi guys

i am from the Cape town area and i would like to be involved with the outre=
ach initiative
i am familiar with a few principals of the schools around Gugulethu and Kha=
i am relatively new to this forum and to using Ubuntu, but i am loving it


tel(office hours) : 021 521 8202

> Date: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 17:01:45 +0200
> From: ethnopunk at
> To: hilton at; ubuntu-za at
> Subject: Re: [ubuntu-za] Ubuntu Township Outreach
> Perhaps, some thought about outreach to those schools which do not have
> tuxlabs yet? It would seem to me, only some schools in Western Cape have
> tuxlabs, and usually because they more privileged schools. Its a
> difficult issue because of human resources involved, but I think we need
> to at least debate the merits.
> -D
> Hilton Theunissen wrote:
> > Hi All
> >
> > I am getting 200 pc's for our open source in schools program. The
> > simplest thing to do is put them in a truck and send them to cape town
> > for delivery to tuXlab schools. Not a good plan, some would say.
> >
> > PE might be better as we have 40 schools there, maybe not a good idea e=
> >
> > so what else?
> >
> >
> > Hilton Theunissen
> > Inkululeko Technologies (Pty)Ltd
> > E-mail: hilton at
> > Skype: hiltontheunissen
> > Gtalk: hiltontza
> > Mobile: +27 72 900800 1
> > Fax2mail: +27 86 604 2553
> >
> > Inkululeko means Freedom
> > "Liberty without learning is always in peril and learning without
> > liberty is always in vain." John F.Kennedy
> >
> > William Walter Kinghorn wrote:
> >
> >> Hi David,
> >>
> >> Depending on the PCs that you get
> >>
> >> If you get PIIIs, you might want to set up LTSP, you will need to have=
 a server that can handle the number of clients you want to set up.
> >>
> >> If you don't know what LTSP is, then ask and I or others on the list w=
ill give an explanation and some links
> >>
> >> In Ubuntu LTSP is trivial to setup, you just need to know what to do
> >>
> >> You will need the alternate install CD
> >>
> >> As you are targeting kids, you might want the Edubuntu add-on CD, or a=
sk someone who has the repos already downloaded
> >>
> >> There is a possibility that Edubuntu will be it's own CD/DVD in the ne=
ar future, like Kubuntu or Xubuntu, it was like that but was changed to an =
add on CD
> >>
> >> William
> >>
> >>
> >> ________________________________________
> >> From: ubuntu-za-bounces at [ubuntu-za-bounces at lists.ubun=] On Behalf Of David Robert Lewis [ethnopunk at]
> >> Sent: 24 August 2009 18:36
> >> To: Ubuntu South African Local Community
> >> Subject: [ubuntu-za] Ubuntu Township Outreach
> >>
> >> Just to update on the vague outreach proposal I raised at the last
> >> meeting. Shawn Reitstein, a fellow Ubunturista, has sourced a containe=
> >> in Gugulethu. Apparently there is a women, who has several containers,
> >> and he has proposed the idea for some kind of electronics clinic where
> >> people can drop off used tech and swap it out and so on. A bit like
> >> Freecycle in the UK. Another idea is setup some machines with Ubuntu a=
> >> get kids to use the system. Not sure how the economics of this would
> >> work, but its interesting idea and could do with some sponsorship. I
> >> think the main concern, is that people need to feel a sense of
> >> ownership, and Ubunturista's (past, present and future) can't be
> >> expected to simply give-up time and energy in exchange for nothing. An=
> >> ideas appreciated.
> >>
> >> --DRL
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> --
> >> 888 8 8
> >> 8 8d8b. .d88 8 .d8b. Yb dP 8 8
> >> 8 8P Y8 8 8 8 8' .8 YbdP 8b d8
> >> 888 8 8 `Y88 8 `Y8P' YP `Y8P8
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> --
> >> ubuntu-za mailing list
> >> ubuntu-za at
> >>
> >>
> >> "This e-mail is subject to our Disclaimer, to view click http://www.du="
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> --
> 888 8 8
> 8 8d8b. .d88 8 .d8b. Yb dP 8 8
> 8 8P Y8 8 8 8 8' .8 YbdP 8b d8
> 888 8 8 `Y88 8 `Y8P' YP `Y8P8
> --
> ubuntu-za mailing list
> ubuntu-za at

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