[ubuntu-za] Evolution Mails Disappear on Folder Move.

Quintin van Rooyen quintin.vanrooyen at gmail.com
Thu Aug 20 18:19:39 BST 2009

Hey List.

I googled this and no hits, so here goes.

I followed these steps:

Created a folder under my inbox, Cassie.

Set up a mail rule for all mail that come from cassie at domain.com to go to

I run the rule on my inbox, and /Cassie now has 200 odd mails.

After doing this for all my colleagues, I decide to make another folder:
Inbox/Colleagues and I move Inbox/Cassie to Inbox/Colleagues/Cassie by
dragging it to the correct place.

All is well since the mails move with the folder, and the rule is updated

Until Cassie sends me a new mail.

Suddenly ONLY the new mail (received after folder move) is displayed in my
Inbox/Colleagues/Cassie folder!

In a panic I check the pertinent file in .evolution (it reads kinda like a
text document) and all the mails seem to be there in the document. How do I
get the mails back to the correct folder in evolution, and why does this

Any takers?


Quintin van Rooyen
quintin.vanrooyen at gmail.com
The New SA Geek!
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