[ubuntu-za] Resize LVM root partition

Charl Wentzel charl.wentzel at vodamail.co.za
Thu Aug 20 09:03:21 BST 2009

On Thu, 2009-08-20 at 08:20 +0300, G Christie wrote:

> I am not sure if you've checked this but I noticed that your root
> logical volume 
> is called  /dev/mapper/phantom--vg1-root (note the dash before root)
> and not /dev/phantom-vg1/root as you had it in the lvextend command.
>  > Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
>  > /dev/mapper/phantom--vg1-root                         249903
>  249903         0 100% /
>  .
>  .
>  > sudo lvextend -L500M /dev/phantom-vg1/root
> Is this maybe not causing a problem?

Thanks, but it actually seems to be the same.  It accepts both.  I'm not
quite sure what the difference is.  But stricly speaking
"/dev/phantom-vg1/root" is the correct format:

  phantom-vg1 - the volume group which contains the logical volumes
  root        - the logical volume I'm tried to resize


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