[ubuntu-za] Resize LVM root partition

Charl Wentzel charl.wentzel at vodamail.co.za
Wed Aug 19 13:56:58 BST 2009

Hi Guys

I'm having trouble resizing my root partition on my server, which is
using LVM.

I keep on getting errors that there are no space left and "df" gives me:

 Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
                         249903    249903         0 100% /
 tmpfs                   645720         0    645720   0% /lib/init/rw
 varrun                  645720       476    645244   1% /var/run
 varlock                 645720         0    645720   0% /var/lock
 udev                    645720      2752    642968   1% /dev
 tmpfs                   645720         0    645720   0% /dev/shm
                          51559     30331     18566  63% /boot

This is a bit confusing but it appears my root partition is full.  For
starters is my interpretation correct?

To resize it I issue the following command:

 sudo lvextend -L500M /dev/phantom-vg1/root

but I get the following error:

 Command failed with status code 5.

I rebooted and tried again and now I get:

 File descriptor 5 left open
  /etc/lvm/archive: mkdir failed: No space left on device
  /etc/lvm/cache/.cache.tmp: write error failed: No space left on device

Any LVM wizards out there that can help?


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