[ubuntu-za] Ubuntu 8.10 alternative disc in Pretoria
Ricardo Botha
irmandos at gmail.com
Wed Aug 19 07:39:09 BST 2009
I'm sick in bed at this very moment but saterday @ sediba plaza in
harties say bout 1o'clock? I'll exchange you, 8.10 alternative for
9.04 alternative.
On 8/17/09, Quintin Beukes <quintin at last.za.net> wrote:
> That would be fantastic. How much for the disc? (I'm willing to come
> pick it up).
> Thanks,
> Q
> On Mon, Aug 17, 2009 at 3:48 PM, Ricardo Botha<irmandos at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Mistake in my previous email, I have the 8.10 Intrepid alternative cd.
>> ~~~~~~
>> Regards
>> Ricardo Botha
>> 082 894 0053 (sel)
>> 086 667 8490 (fax)
>> irmandos at gmail.com
>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>> Mike Ditka - "If God had wanted man to play soccer, he wouldn't have
>> given us arms." -
>> http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/m/mike_ditka.html
>> On Mon, Aug 17, 2009 at 3:45 PM, Ricardo Botha<irmandos at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I live in Hartbeespoort and have the 8.04 Ubuntu alternative cd if you
>>> like to get a copy, contact me.
>>> ~~~~~~
>>> Regards
>>> Ricardo Botha
>>> 082 894 0053 (sel)
>>> 086 667 8490 (fax)
>>> irmandos at gmail.com
>>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>>> Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach - "Even a stopped clock is right twice a
>>> day." -
>>> http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/m/marie_von_ebnereschenbac.html
>>> On Sun, Aug 16, 2009 at 1:16 AM, Lee Sharp<leesharp at hal-pc.org> wrote:
>>>> Quintin Beukes wrote:
>>>>> Hey,
>>>>> I've got an Ubuntu 8.04 installation on my desktop and laptop and wish
>>>>> to upgrade to 9.04.
>>>>> Firstly, I want to upgrade from CD to avoid large downloads.
>>>>> For the desktop I'm planning to start from scratch (because I want to
>>>>> raid 1 my hard drives). Will cover than in a separate message.
>>>>> For the laptop I want to upgrade. If using the alternative disc to
>>>>> upgrade, do I still need to upgrade to 8.10 first, before I can upgrade
>>>>> to 9.04. I've got the 9.04 install and alternative disc. So that's not
>>>>> a
>>>>> problem. I just can't seem to find my 8.10 disc, and I recently deleted
>>>>> the ISO (I was under the impression I had a copy somewhere else).
>>>>> So my question is as follows, do I need the alternate disc to do the
>>>>> upgrade to 9.04?
>>>> Yes, you need to go in steps. I keep all the iso images on at least two
>>>> systems for just this reason. :) You may still find that image on a
>>>> toaster...
>>>> Lee
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> --
> Quintin Beukes
> --
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Sent from my mobile device
Ricardo Botha
082 894 0053 (sel)
086 667 8490 (fax)
irmandos at gmail.com
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