[ubuntu-za] apt-get upgrade explanation

Charl Wentzel charl.wentzel at vodamail.co.za
Wed Aug 19 00:15:35 BST 2009

On Tue, 2009-08-18 at 21:24 +0200, Michael Gorven wrote:
> > Should I switch to aptitude? If so, are there any precautions/steps I
> > should take to do so?
> Yes you should. No, there aren't any precautions or steps.
> Michael

Interesting... At the risk of exposing myself as an idiot, I'll admit
that I've used Aptitude a few times and got lost in the interface
several times, not knowing exactly how to do what I want or how to move
through package menus.  It is not exactly the most user-friendly
interface I've seen.  For that reason I still prefer apt-get.


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