[ubuntu-za] Netbook remix?

Charl Wentzel charl.wentzel at vodamail.co.za
Mon Aug 17 09:27:05 BST 2009

Hi Reenen

>From my experience the only main difference between Remix and standard
Ubuntu is the Desktop.  The Remix desktop is optimised for a small
screen and is great for a Netbook, or if you only have a low-res screen.
In fact, I really like the remix desktop!

I believe there are other optimisations as well for speed, but once
you've installed it, you have all the software available that you have
in the standard desktop.  Ony my Asphire One I have MySql Server and
Apache running to I can demonstrate my web apps to customers.  I even
have gcc, CMake and git running so I can do fixes to software in the
field if necessary.

Remix is cool!!


On Mon, 2009-08-17 at 07:44 +0000, rlaurie at gmail.com wrote:

> Hi,
> I keep reading about the netbook remix... and I have a netbook. With
> ubuntu 9.04 installed. And, well, the screen is too small. :-) How do
> I install the remix? I have a complete 9.04 repository... would that
> include the remix?
> Regards,
> -Reenen
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