[ubuntu-za] Ubuntu 8.10 alternative disc in Pretoria

Lee Sharp leesharp at hal-pc.org
Sun Aug 16 00:16:17 BST 2009

Quintin Beukes wrote:
> Hey,
> I've got an Ubuntu 8.04 installation on my desktop and laptop and wish 
> to upgrade to 9.04.
> Firstly, I want to upgrade from CD to avoid large downloads.
> For the desktop I'm planning to start from scratch (because I want to 
> raid 1 my hard drives). Will cover than in a separate message.
> For the laptop I want to upgrade. If using the alternative disc to 
> upgrade, do I still need to upgrade to 8.10 first, before I can upgrade 
> to 9.04. I've got the 9.04 install and alternative disc. So that's not a 
> problem. I just can't seem to find my 8.10 disc, and I recently deleted 
> the ISO (I was under the impression I had a copy somewhere else).
> So my question is as follows, do I need the alternate disc to do the 
> upgrade to 9.04?

Yes, you need to go in steps.  I keep all the iso images on at least two 
systems for just this reason. :)  You may still find that image on a 


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