[ubuntu-za] Creating a stir

Sudhashen Naicker sudhashen at ixion.co.za
Tue Aug 11 09:42:55 BST 2009

Charl Wentzel wrote:
> I know this is not so much a tech issue, but I thought you might find
> this interesting...
> I'm very passionate about Linux, especially about Ubuntu and is slowly
> but surely converting all the people around me, including both my
> parents, my wife, best friend, etc.  But this week was especially
> enjoyable...
> After installing Ubuntu Netbook Remix on my Ass-fire One, I went to show
> it to my customer the following day.  After showing UNR to them (and
> informing them of the extremely low price tag) I truely got their
> attention!  They were just looking at buying laptops for their
> technicians and with a couple of his managers around me I convinced them
> that they should try it.
> Their only concern was the Windoze and DOS programs they use in the
> field.  But I came prepared and installed Wine the night before.  During
> my visit there I installed one of their DOS programs to prove Linux's
> worth. Right there the decision was made that I woud buy one for them
> and help one of their technicians to install all their programs and let
> them run with it on a trail basis!
> First Victory!!
> The next I went back to Incredible Deception to buy one more, and of
> course I took my "re-vamped" netbook with!  I was a bit frustrated by
> the fact that both of the sales people who help me initially just wanted
> to make sure: "You know that this one runs on Linux?"... as if it was a
> bad thing!!!
> So I rocked their world and showed them a "real operating system", UNR!!
> I had 6 of their sales people around me ooh-ing and ah-ing!  One of them
> even thanked me for opening his eyes to Linux!
> Second Victory!!
> None of this would have been possible without the great guys from this
> community that helped me get going.  So I would like to say:
> Regards
> Charl
Way to go - nice one!

I'm converting customers by demonstrating and being prepared too.



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