[ubuntu-za] The Dymaxion Thread

Hilton Gibson hilton.gibson at gmail.com
Mon Aug 10 12:45:20 BST 2009

David Robert Lewis wrote:
> Lee Sharp wrote:
>> David Robert Lewis wrote:
>>> I guess this is probably going to lead to a posting on Indlovu and leads 
>>> on from my earlier quesioning about versioning, and how we can escape 
>>> the insane Canonical versioning system, whilst still adhearing to Ubuntu.
>> ...
>> I am lost here.  I follow what you are writing, but don't really 
>> understand your point.  Yes, refinement of an idea happens fast at 
>> first, then slows down.  Been happening since the ox cart...  But Ubuntu 
>> distributions include both refinements, and new ways of doing things.  X 
>> in Intrepid was radically changed. (And not really stable until 
>> Jaunty...)  Now if you have a specific Ubuntu problem to address, go for 
>> it.  If you want to fix the nature of human scientific discovery and 
>> refinement, this is REALLY the wrong place.
>> 			Lee
> Thanks Lee,
> I see the problem. Its a question about the narrative of progress within 
> the Ubuntu community. We seem to be hung-up on the nice-sounding 
> alliterations, which then get cobbled into the various alphas and betas, 
> so at the end of the day, we not actually making Scientific progress. 
> Just a question. If X better in Jaunty, was this because of Linux, or 
> because of Ubuntu? Sorry to appear so stupid.
> I'm not trying to change the nature of human scientific discovery, just 
> want a sense of where all of this is heading. What exactly are we trying 
> to achieve, aside from boot-times, and bug fixing and 100 paper cuts?
> Thanks
Did you read this: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/288



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