[ubuntu-za] Ubuntu-ZA Usplash theme testing

Hannes Coetzee scorpking at eshowecompcentre.co.za
Sat Nov 22 16:36:09 GMT 2008

Hi everyone..

I managed to get a usplash theme together and it needs some testing. The 
flag in the theme is a bit square on the one side and I'll fix it next 
week. Let me know of any other problems. It can be downloaded here - 
http://www.eshoweguide.co.za/zip/zabuntu-beta.tar.gz .Any ideas, 
suggestions and comments are welcome. The compiled .so file can be 
installed on 8.04 but I've also included the source. Use startupmanager 
(sudo apt-get install startupmanager if you don't have it) to install 
the compiled .so theme if you are not familiar with installing custom 
usplash themes.


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