[ubuntu-za] Evince as Default Viewer in Thunderbird on Ubuntu8.04?

Vijay Makanjee vijay at ergo.co.za
Mon Nov 17 06:03:56 GMT 2008

Hey Vincent

find any pdf file on your computer.
Right click go to properties
click on opem with tab
select evince/document viewer

This will open all files of that type with document viewer or evince. if 
it is not found on select then go to add and find evince.

This method should work for other file types that evince can open.

hope that helps


Vijay Makanjee
Ergo | P O Box 19801 | Tecoma 5214 | South Africa
Ph +2782 6014353 | Fax: 0866563858
vijay at ergo dot co dot za

Sudhashen Naicker wrote:
> Hi
> This is what I did:
> Click on 'view & edit actions'.  Then click on 'PDF' and 'change action'. 
> Then select 'open them with this application'. Browse to 'file system'(u then see all files and directories in root), then select /usr/bin/evince and then 'ok'
> should work. 
> S
> Kind Regards
> Sudhashen Naicker
> Manager
> Ixion InfoTech
> Landline : 0116954887
> Contact : 0825688455
> Affiliated with SoftstartBTI SEDA Incubator Initiative
> Sent via my BlackBerry from Vodacom - let your email find you!
> -----Original Message-----
> From: vincent <bullet at ballmail.co.za>
> Date: Sun, 16 Nov 2008 20:11:46 
> To: Ubuntu South African Local Community<ubuntu-za at lists.ubuntu.com>
> Subject: Re: [ubuntu-za] Evince as Default Viewer in Thunderbird on Ubuntu
> 	8.04?
> On Thursday 13 November 2008 08:59:43 Sudhashen Naicker wrote:
>> Hi
>> Catching the last part of this so I maybe missing sumthing but:
>> I'm using Hardy with Thunderbird and I don't have the issue
>> being talked about here?  If you go to View/Preferences/Attachments/View
>> & Edit actions, should sort out your issues.
>> Kind Regards
>> S
>> Hilton Gibson wrote:
>>> vincent wrote:
>>>> Vincent Williams wrote:
>>>>> I assume you are using Gnome? I use Kubuntu and I can use the 'File
>>>>> Associations' feature to set a default app to open specific file types.
>>>>> I'm sure it can be done in Gnome, but I would not know how...
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Vincent Williams
>>>>> On Wednesday 12 November 2008 18:11:23 vincent wrote:
>>>>>> Can anybody give me advice on how to make Evince my default viewer in
>>>>>> Thunderbird.
>>>>>> TB opens a box asking if I want to open a PDF or TIFF file in Image
>>>>>> Viewer, or other, on selecting other. it only give's me F-Spot or Gimp
>>>>>> as options, Evince used to be in this selection list but has
>>>>>> disappeared off it - Neither of the remaining two, to my knowledge,
>>>>>> can open multiple page files & I can't find a way to include Evince in
>>>>>> this list.
>>>>>> In KMail, a drop down box ask's which app you want, type in Evince &
>>>>>> it select's it.
>>>>>> The only method I've been able to use to open with Evince, is via the
>>>>>> terminal & sudo - But I'd rather use the image viewer box, it's just
>>>>>> quicker & simpler for an ex windows user. :-[
>>>>>> TIA
>>>>>> Vince
>>>> Hi Vincent,
>>>> Thanks for your reply - Yes I'm using Gnome & unfortunately, I can't
>>>> find anything as simple as 'File Associations' or the Gnome equivalent.
>>>> What I have done however, is create an Evince launcher on the panel & am
>>>> using this until I can find the correct method to make Evince the
>>>> default viewer - Long way round I know, but hey, beginner's can't be
>>>> chooser's.
>>>> Take care
>>>> Vince
>>> Check:
>>> http://developer.gnome.org/doc/whitepapers/SystemConfig/mime-info.html
>>> http://linux.about.com/library/cmd/blcmdl5_gnome-vfs-mime.htm
>>> http://freshmeat.net/projects/gnome-mime-data/
>>> Cheers
>>> hg.
> Thanks Sudhashen,
> I'm using the same version of TB as you, but the View/Edit Action box is blank 
> & when I select the search option & select evince, it takes me to the evince 
> file folder & I can't find a folder in there that's an exc. file - They're 
> all rh. files.
> Regards
> Vince

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