[ubuntu-za] Ubuntu-ZA participation: next monthly theme

Raoul Snyman raoul.snyman at saturnlaboratories.co.za
Wed Mar 26 12:42:54 GMT 2008

On Wed, 26 Mar 2008 14:31:53 +0200, "Morgan Collett" <morgan at ubuntu.com>
>>  * Small Business

I think that this particular topic is really important. The huge companies
out there are *not* going to switch from their established systems. It's
the small businesses who want a decent network setup, with mail, etc, and
who want to keep costs low (including support).

One day, those small businesses will be big businesses (ok, maybe not all
of them, but who knows?), and they'll be running Linux. Isn't that what we
want? Big industry players using open source software?

Raoul Snyman
Saturn Laboratories
e: raoul.snyman at saturnlaboratories.co.za
w: http://www.saturnlaboratories.co.za/
b: http://blog.saturnlaboratories.co.za/

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