[ubuntu-za] Database front-end development

Hilton Theunissen hilton at inkululeko.co.za
Wed Mar 12 08:03:29 GMT 2008

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Kind regards.

Hilton Theunissen
Inkululeko Technologies
Tel: +27 11 462 9124
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E-mail: hilton at inkululeko.co.za

Dawid van Wyngaard wrote:
> Derick,
> If you're going to use PHP & MySQL then you can install phpMyAdmin as an 
> Web Admin Frontend...
> Dawid
> On Tue, 2008-03-11 at 16:31 +0200, Derick Hewetson wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I am looking at developing a new database with a front-end that is
>> either accessible via a browser, or is java-based, so that it can be
>> used on Windows, Linux or Macintosh systems. Does anybody have any ideas
>> or suggestions in this regard? The current system is built with
>> Filemaker Pro.
>> I suppose the obvious solution is PHP & mySQL in a browser, but I would
>> prefer something a little quicker to develop. Has anybody used Servoy
>> before?
>> Thanks for any help,
>> Derick
>> --
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> Thanks,
> Dawid van Wyngaard
> IRC: DarkRaven on network irc.freenode.net
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> MSN: dawid at emc2sa.com
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