[ubuntu-za] [Education] Introduction

Hilton Theunissen hilton at inkululeko.co.za
Fri Mar 7 06:46:23 GMT 2008

Hi I'm Hilton Theunissen

Founder of the Open Source Learning Centre program aka tuXlab started in 
2001. tuXlabs development/advocacy/growth/etc. was funded within the 
Shuttleworth Foundation during 2002-2006. tuXlabs is the largest open 
source in Education program in South Africa, was 200+ schools. The focus 
was on relevancy of the use of open source within South African schools. 
It also had several other goals and objectives. tuXlabs are active in 7 
provinces.  Its momentum was inspired by the enthusiasm of SLUG, 
co-founded by several Cape volunteers. A tuXlab cookbook and several 
other howtos' was initiated by the community and used within the schools 
and broader advocacy programs. the 1st freedom toaster ( a whitebox with 
three CD-rw's was busy writing K12-ltsp.org distros) at the Slug launch 
at MTN Sciencentre. I think it was on Software Freedom Day.

I think tuXlabs was the 1st project to run Ubuntu in schools, Jonathan 
Carter was the father of Skubuntu. He can tell you more. We were invited 
to the 1st Edubuntu summit in June 2005, which was really fantastic. I 
will never forget Jc explored the hotel room bar fridge - most expensive 
drinks and chocolates I ever paid. The team was recognised for their 
work and we were awarded Community Builder of the Year 2005 and was 
selected among the Top100 Technology projects in SA.

Several schools are still running their tuXlabs, Inkululeko is currently 
the custodian of the program.  Most of the schools (99%) use diskless 
P1/2/3 whiteboxes and crappy old monitors connected to a server with 
www.tuxlab-os.org.za - Jc's work > best news for today is that I just 
received notice of sponsorship of 600 HP t5000 thin clients,so I am 
replacing those old hardware in Cape, KZN and PE ( any volunteers?)

We are busy with several other projects that aspire to deliver value to 
the tuXlabs and broader E-education and skills programs in SA schools.
tuXlab entrepreneur program - sustainability pilot, ownership by 
community smme

tuXlabs was replicated in the prisons as a platform for skills 
development(OpenICDL) and rehabilitation. First ever testing centres for 
OSS in a prison. we trust this program will grow into more prison 
centres. the parliament endorsed the program and ECDL selected the 
program as finalist among top 5 projects in 154 countries.

we were also involved in www.digitaldoorway.org.za - developed xubuntu 
diskless fat solution, installed and upgraded 75 DDW's. This is an 
amazing project lead by a passionate team. great opportunity here for 
Ubuntu-za to support the team at Meraka.

Inkululeko(freedom) Technologies was formed as an exit phase from the 
Foundation by the tuXlab team. Almost the entire team has moved on since 
the inception of Inkululeko but is still active within the open source 
space. Inkululeko gave birth to three new companies Tuxnology(limpopo), 
Mali Technologies (Pe) and newly formed Sibaya Solutions (Cape). We have 
exposed over 170 000 educators and learners to OSS and a good 100 000 
plus are still active.

Personally I am passionate about Open Platforms in the SA Education 
Sector, I have devoted myself since 2000 to get OSS into SA schools. I 
figure I will never give up...hope.

Newest tuXlabs to go up this month: join in if you wish
Pietermaritzburg 5 primary schools - networking starting next week
Joburg 1 primary school - this is a nice lab, 17"lcd, 40 x inveneo amd 
thin clients, phase 2 will be focused on going into the classroom, 
terminal for the educator.

I just thought about Andy of Wizzy who is doing amazing work in the 
education space as well,especially in the tuXlab schoolwan project. the 
project is well supported by Amobia, Frogfoot and UWC. Missing guys like 
Ed ex-Netday, Openlab dudes,etc.

Long e-mail ne' but I hope it inspire you to launch your project and 
make it known in SA to ensure OSS gets embedded in SA schools.

Kind regards.

Hilton Theunissen
Inkululeko Technologies
Tel: +27 11 462 9124
Fax-to-mail: 0865033491
Mobile: +27 72 900800 1
E-mail: hilton at inkululeko.co.za

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