[ubuntu-za] Books

Jonathan Carter (highvoltage) jonathan at ubuntu.com
Wed Feb 13 09:31:27 GMT 2008

Hi André

André Truter wrote:
> Hi lists

Cross-posting? ;)

> Is there any books you can recommend for me to get myself up to speed on
> Linux and Ubuntu?

I have an Ubuntu book at home that you can have, I forgot what it's
called exactly, but it claims to be useful to everyone from beginner to
expert. I can bring it by if you want it.

> Can anyone help me to get Ubuntu7.10 to see my wireless SMC 2804WBR router?

My first stop for hardware support is usually to visit the Ubuntu wiki
on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport. You say this is a router?
How do you need to "see" it? Connect to it from your client? Usually you
would use network manager for that (by default it's in your panel in the
top right).


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