[ubuntu-za] New comer

Will van der Leij will at ubuntu.com
Fri May 18 17:35:30 BST 2007

Augustin Nduwimana wrote:
> Good Moring, there I am new to this list and I do not 
> know if my questions will be of any relevance.
> I live in Bujumbura - Burundi andwhile loking for the
> nearest Ubuntu Loco on the web. This is the one I
> found closest to me in Eastern and Central Africa.

Welcome Augustin,
It is good to hear from you and we hope in time to build more and more
LoCo teams across Africa.
Already, the Nigerian LoCo is looking to come alive again and we hope to
grow more and more support all over the continent.

Best regards,
Will van der Leij

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