[ubuntu-za] ubuntu-za Digest, Vol 20, Issue 15

Willem Jordaan willem.jordaan at risksa.com
Fri May 18 13:41:37 BST 2007

You can try this place also it looks as if you can do the full cource on 
the website . http://learnlinux.tsf.org.za/moodle/

> William Kinghorn wrote:
>> Quick question, who in South Africa, has started doing the UPC ( 
>> Ubuntu Certified Professional ), or who is going to do it soon. The 
>> places here in Durban do RedHat or Fedora.
>> My work are going to send us on a course, I would prefer it to be 
>> LPI101, LPI102 and UPC, so I need to find out who does UPC, so I can 
>> be sent there.
> The CSIR's Meraka Institute recently become the LPI affiliate in SA
> (http://www.tectonic.co.za/view.php?id=1437).
> They seem to be running LPI exams today in Sandton at Futurex
> (http://tectonic.co.za/view.php?id=1496) but don't seem to be doing
> LPI199 (the Ubuntu Certified Professional exam).
> Jonathan Carter, where/how did you do your exam?
> (http://jonathancarter.co.za/ubuntu-certified/) Please do tell!
> Cheers
> Morgan
> I also have had a look and the guys that look good are 
> http://www.linuxholdings.co.za/ and 
> http://www.intoweb.co.za/training_linux.html. have a look at the first.
> Willem Jordaan

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