[ubuntu-za] [WikiTeam] New moin theme, drupal too on test server

Justin Hartman jjhartman at gmail.com
Wed May 9 22:28:34 BST 2007

Right then guys my suggestion as follows. Register on the drupal test site
and then let me know your usernames. I'll mark you guys with the highest
privileges and you can play to your hearts content.

Once it's been setup and everyone is happy I can tar ball the db and files
and send it to morgan or I can assist in installation and setup on the live
server. Whatever is easier for people.

On 5/9/07, Jonathan Hitchcock <jonathan.hitchcock at gmail.com> wrote:
> Raoul Snyman wrote:
> > Morgan Collett wrote:
> >> So, do we have a Drupal expert who wants to get involved?
> >
> > I can poke around a bit...
> Um, ja, me too.  I wouldn't call myself an expert, but I run Drupal on
> my main site, and I've written a module or two for it.
> Can fiddle?
> --
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Justin Hartman
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