[ubuntu-za] [WikiTeam] New moin theme, drupal too on test server

Morgan Collett morgan at ubuntu.com
Tue May 8 18:16:52 BST 2007

To the WikiTeam, and anybody else interested in getting involved:

Justin Hartman's been playing with the moin theme that another locoteam
made available.

It may still need some work but looks MUCH better than what we have now:

This also links to a Drupal theme - looks like we could set these up
very nicely together:

Justin said:

> Just a note. I have no idea how to configure Drupal and I honestly
> have no inclination to find out how. I've done a basic install and
> themed it according to the Wiki theme but I think a Drupal expert
> should come in and configure the system for the Ubuntu ZA needs. 

So, do we have a Drupal expert who wants to get involved?

Any comments on the wiki theme?

Morgan Collett
morgan at ubuntu.com

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