[ubuntu-za] Error during online upgrade to Feisty

Adrian Frith adrian at frith.co.za
Tue May 1 16:38:31 BST 2007

On Monday 30 April 2007 10:16:59 Morgan Collett wrote:
> Jason Norwood-Young wrote:
> > I believe the UCT Freedom Toaster has Feisty
> See here for details on this toaster:
> http://wiki.clug.org.za/wiki/Freedom_Toaster
> The distros it has are:
> http://toaster.clug.org.za/public/distros.php
> * Includes xubuntu, for those that have asked about that,
> * Does not seem to have 7.04 server edition except for an Edubuntu
> Server version...?
> * Includes Alternative CDs as well as the default Desktop CDs.
> * Includes Desktop DVDs, which are what I mentioned above - a LiveCD,
> with all the debs too so you can install from a LiveCD session or
> upgrade (or just install packages you need if you have already upgraded).
> Unfortunately the DVD burner is broken until probably some time on
> Wednesday, so only CD images can be burnt at the moment - however if you
> take along a laptop with WiFi you can download isos including DVD images.

Thanks for mentioning that the server edition is missing - I have just added 
the Feisty server CDs, so as far as I know the UCT toaster now has every 
possible ISO image that exists for Feisty (for i386 and amd64).

Adrian Frith
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