[ubuntu-za] Event - Digital Freedom Expo, UWC

Morgan Collett morgan at penguinlabs.net
Mon Mar 12 14:46:56 GMT 2007

UWC is hosting the Digital Freedom Exposition - April 19-20.
> Speakers include Creative Commons founder Prof Lawrence Lessig, 
> Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales, HP's  Open Source & Linux Chief 
> Technologist Bdale Garbee, Co-founder of the Apache Software 
> Foundation and CTO of Collab.net Brian Behlendorf, Free and Open  
> Source Software Entrepreneur and instructor in Computing Systems at  
> MIT  Philip Greenspun, Founder of Freedom to Innovate SA Bob Jolliffe, 
> CEO of iCommons Heather Ford, Open Academic Publication specialist Eve 
> Gray, Sun Microsystems Regional Director Education & Research for EMEA 
> Todd Korth, Free Software in Education AJ Venter , and Free Software 
> researcher and First Monday founder Rishab Ghosh, Novel SA MD Stafford 
> Masie, UWC Rector Prof Brian O'Connell and Premier of the Western Cape 
> Ebrahim Rasool. 
For those who are or will be in the area, I've submitted a proposal for 
an Ubuntu-ZA BoF - see  

This will be an informal discussion / get-together in a side venue some 
time during the main event. The purpose is to encourage participation in 
the Ubuntu-ZA LoCo Team, as well as provide an opportunity for whoever 
has an interest in Ubuntu - and comes to UWC's DFX event - to meet.


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