[ubuntu-za] Program to use for website

Willem Jordaan willem.jordaan at risksa.com
Mon Jun 4 09:03:34 BST 2007

Hallo all

Thanks for the responce.

I have been playing around with crms for quite some time now and the CRM 
that looks the best are Xoops and e107... with Xoops having more themes 
and e107 being more customizable... then the sitename .... what about 

Then i have two places that i use for domain registration and hosting 
the one is godaddy.com and the other is a local guy www.serv.co.za. If 
you guys have any other places who give good hosting let me know
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> Today's Topics:
>    1. Re:  T-Shirts - status (Weiers Coetser)
>    2. Re:  Site NAme (was ubuntu-za Digest, Vol 20, Issue 31)
>       (Michael Chadbourne)
>    3. Re:  Site NAme (was  ubuntu-za Digest, Vol 20, Issue 31)
>       (William Kinghorn)
>    4. Re:  Site NAme (was  ubuntu-za Digest, Vol 20, Issue 31)
>       (Raoul Snyman)
>    5. Re:  Site NAme (was  ubuntu-za Digest, Vol 20, Issue 31)
>       (Will van der Leij)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Fri, 01 Jun 2007 17:26:25 +0200
> From: "Weiers Coetser" <coetserw at hbc.ac.za>
> Subject: Re: [ubuntu-za] T-Shirts - status
> To: <ubuntu-za at lists.ubuntu.com>
> Message-ID: <466056C1020000C500004815 at petra.hbc.ac.za>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
>>> Weiers Coetser has volunteered to handle distribution of this batch of
>>> t-shirts. He is checking what the postage costs will be.
> I went to the post office today with a T-shirt of my own:
> Cost if I wanted to mail it (in South Africa)
> Normal Post: R14.63  (Delivery time: 5 working days)
> Add Insurance: R2.50 (Approximately - perhaps a few cents less)
> Packaging: R7.00 (Approximately - perhaps a few cents less)
> Total Cost= R24,13.  Add about R5 for bank charges:
> Suggested Cost for sending a T-shirt via normal post: R30.00
> -------------
> Sending the T-shirt via speed services = R40.66
> So, if a person added something for bank charges = R45
> ----------
> Courier to somebody's door = R86.50.
> --------------------
> What I never found out is how much it would cost to send T-shirts in
> bulk.
> --------------------
> I do not yet have the T-shirts with me, but I wonder if we should make
> all of these options available, or do we agree on one option.
> The way I envision it:
> 1. Somebody needs to look at the switch story (or any other point of
> merit) and make a decision if a person qualifies for a T-shirt.
> 2. The person qualifying for the t-shirt then deposits money into my
> account.
> 3. On receipt of the money, I will send the t-shirt immediately.
> -----
> Greetings
> ------------------------------
> Message: 2
> Date: Fri, 1 Jun 2007 18:18:16 +0200
> From: "Michael Chadbourne" <michael.chadbourne at gmail.com>
> Subject: Re: [ubuntu-za] Site NAme (was ubuntu-za Digest, Vol 20,
> 	Issue 31)
> To: "Ubuntu South African Local Community"
> 	<ubuntu-za at lists.ubuntu.com>
> Message-ID:
> 	<e0df34410706010918i67f8f351sefb53f06dae245db at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> Hi William
> I would not use a subdomain on osrn.org.za. It is difficult to say the
> address over the phone to people.
> Use a word that is simple to read and is popular on google search engine. I
> use google trends to compare the popularity of support, resources,
> marketplace and partners. The word support is the most popular and best
> describes your website.
> Follow the attached URL to see my research:
> http://www.google.co.za/trends?q=marketplace%2C+support%2C+partners%2C+resources
> My recommendation is http://www.opensupport.za.net. The domain is available
> and za.net has no registration costs.
> Regards;
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> ------------------------------
> Message: 3
> Date: Sat, 02 Jun 2007 08:17:24 +0200
> From: "William Kinghorn" <williamk at dut.ac.za>
> Subject: Re: [ubuntu-za] Site NAme (was  ubuntu-za Digest, Vol 20,
> 	Issue 31)
> To: <ubuntu-za at lists.ubuntu.com>
> Message-ID: <s66127a2.097 at voyager.dut.ac.za>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
> Hi Willem, Will, All,
> Looks like it will be marketplace.
> Do you know of an existing program that will do what is required.
> >From a previous post of mine : 
> Set up a site for putting on and finding training/linux/opensource places.
> The putting on part : companies who have found the site, can put themselves on the database, and they have editing rights to only that part of the site. On the site you tell the companies that it is their job to keep their information up to date. It will be something like wikipedia, but not everybody can edit the company's info.
> The finding part : when I am on the site, I can search, via a category, city, Provence or what ever to find a company that offers what I require, be it training, web services, etc.
> William
>>>> will at ubuntu.com 06/01/07 4:26 PM >>>
>> Was just speaking to a friend on the phone, he says that we can use the osrn.org.za domain for this.
>> osrn stands for Open Source Resourse Network.
> That's a good one...
>> A few sugestions were :
>> OSSplacesZA.osrn.org.za
>> resources.osrn.org.za
>> marketplace.osrn.org.za
> I still think marketplace describes best what you want to achieve.
> Resources is a bit too generic IMHO.
> I look forward to seeing how this goes. If there's anything I can do to
> help from a Canonical Partner Programme side let me know.
> R.
> Will

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