[ubuntu-za] Firefox status

Bill Cairns Bill.Cairns at eskom.co.za
Mon Aug 20 07:34:26 BST 2007

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Thanks Craig. Actually I use Delicious (with an * or two in there somewhere) to keep my bookmarks across machines and that is really all I need. My problem is just a trivial objection to having to click "Yes I know you don't support saving over sessions" every time I close down my machine - especially when I know darn well that Firefox is very good at saving its state between sessions!

>>> On 17 August 2007 at 09:59 AM, in message <1187337548.5816.12.camel at smada-1>,

"Craig A. Adams" <craigaa at karg.co.za> wrote:

> Hi Bill,


> Whilst not addressing your issue but attacking the symptom, have you

> tried Google Browser Sync?


> This tool allows you to sync your cookies, passwords, bookmarks, history

> and sessions across multiple machines, platforms etc. The cost is a loss

> of some privacy to Google.


> Kindest Regards


> Craig A. Adams


> On Fri, 2007-08-17 at 08:35 +0200, Bill Cairns wrote:

>> Forgive me - I know there are better forums (fora?) for this question

>> but it is more of a comment that a question perhaps.


>> One of the things that I love about my Ubuntu system (I am not sure if

>> it is a Linux feature or a Gnome feature) is the way that I can say

>> "Preserve desktop status" and, after, turning the machine off and coming

>> back a week later, I am presented with the desktop exactly as I left it.

>> Well nearly, because Firefox insists that it can't do it and I have to

>> agree that it should close before my machine will shut down.


>> But the trouble is that Firefox does do it and does it brilliantly -

>> even under Windows (which I ashamedly admit that I still run for work

>> purposes). As soon as I re-boot and initiate Firefox it asks me do I

>> want to recover the previous session and then it recovers it perfectly.


>> How can I convince my system that I know perfectly well that some

>> applications are not set up to survive a re-boot (even if Firefox is not

>> one of them, Lyx is) and that it does not need to ask me a redundant

>> question every day?


>> Bill




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