[ubuntu-za] Hello

Rameshkumar ubuntu.ramesh at gmail.com
Fri Jul 22 03:59:58 CDT 2005


I'm looking for good offers and jobs in South Africa. I am working as
Linux and Oracle Engineer in India. Is there any offers in SA ?

Can any body help me in this regarding ? 

Thanks and Regards,

On 7/22/05, Adrian <adrianmoisey at webmail.co.za> wrote:
> Hi
> > Is there any LUG in ZA ?
> Yes there is. Which part of South Africa are you? If you are in the Cape
> Town area, visit www.clug.org.za
> --
> Adrian Moisey
> e-mail: adrianmoisey at webmail.co.za
> cell: +27824835680

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