[ubuntu-x] evdev and absolute axes help

Chase Douglas chase.douglas at canonical.com
Thu Nov 10 17:54:58 UTC 2011

On 11/10/2011 09:51 AM, Jean-François Dagenais wrote:
> Thanks for trying to help...
> On Nov 10, 2011, at 12:39, Chase Douglas wrote:
>> On 11/09/2011 02:49 PM, Jean-François Dagenais wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I am using maverick,
>>> I have tried for the last two days to do something which some X developers would find quite trivial I imagine. We have a capacitive wheel using the ad714x.c driver in the kernel. In my latest desperations, I have changed the events sent by ad714x.c so they are BTN_LEFT and ABS_Y so that it better matches what a mouse does. I am trying to make this wheel do what a regular mouse wheel does. OR even better, send a keyboard keycode (one for up, one for down), which I may do later by hacking the evdev code. But first things first, why I am not able to get this to work...
>> I'm confused by what you are trying to do. I'm not sure I'll be able to
>> help until I understand what you want the end result to be. If you could
>> start out with a description of your device and what it should logically
>> be doing that would help me.
> Well, as you see from the evtest dump I included, I have a capacitance touch wheel. The events it sends out (EV_TOUCH pressed/release, and ABS_WHEEL position) is not useable in our X application. We want to map these movements to events our application can better respond to, like button events (mouse wheel) or better yet, key events, for example KP_UP and KP_DOWN.

Why is ABS_WHEEL, which is translated to X button press/release for
buttons 4 and 5, insufficient for your use case?

-- Chase

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