[ubuntu-x] [Retitled] i830 support

Gordon Schumacher whiplash at pobox.com
Sat Oct 2 15:29:16 BST 2010

On 09/22/2010 06:55 PM, Christopher James Halse Rogers wrote:
> On Wed, 2010-09-22 at 10:27 -0600, Gordon Schumacher wrote:
>> On 09/20/2010 05:07 PM, Bryce Harrington wrote:
>>> Aha, gotcha.  I *suspect* the calls are already coded up in the 8xx
>>> driver code.  If there's anything missing, then it should be possible to
>>> cargo-cult from the 9xx code.  On the plus side, if you get stuck with
>>> any API stuff, the Intel developers are friendly and can be reached on
>>> irc or mail pretty readily.
>> I also have some contacts at Intel now, albeit in entirely the wrong
>> group; they might be able to pass me along to someone though.
>> Also, I think I know in broad strokes what it is that broke video for
>> me.  I seem to remember that once upon a time, there were two drivers
>> one could load for the i830 - the current driver, or the old i810 driver
>> (which is still there).  The current driver never worked for me, but the
>> i810 driver did.  That doesn't work anymore, but I might be able to
>> cargo-cult the older i810 driver code that supported the i830 into the
>> new driver.
> Hm.  That reminds me of bug a freedesktop.org bug¹ that I thought
> applied to i810, but seems to actually apply to (some) i830s.  If that
> turns out to be your bug then there's a lot of information on that bug,
> including prospective patches.

Um.  So... the release candidate works *perfectly* for me, with respect
to video: no freaky text mode flicker, no X-shift in the installer... it
all just works.

That will make it a little hard to debug :)

What changed from Lucid?

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