[ubuntu-x] X configuration in Hardy?

Rob Hughes rob at robhughes.com
Wed Sep 12 19:09:46 BST 2007

On Wed, 2007-09-12 at 02:21 -0700, Bryce Harrington wrote:
> Welcome everyone joining the list!
> One of the major topics/goals that prompted this list is the need for
> discussion about redoing the X configuration system.  Most of the
> groundwork has been done with X's recent hotplug features, so I'm
> hopeful we can land this work in Hardy.
> I've written up some thoughts on this blueprint:
>   https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/autoconfigure-monitor-frequency
> Bryce

In looking at this, I see a lot of focus on cards and monitors, but what
about input devices? None of my mine work correctly unless I'm using the
evdev driver. This has also been one of the biggest sore points for me,
since not only do the devices move around between boots forcing me to
manually edit my xorg after figuring out what event entry the device has
moved to, but also a lot of hunting and poking to get the button
mappings right. And even then, thanks to Logitech's completely
bastardized approach to setting things up, trying to use things like the
multimedia functions of my keyboard don't work, since the events come in
over the mouse event interface, and not the keyboard's. Are there any
plans to make any of this any easier? I realize what I'm talking about
is probably a corner case, but the keyboard/mouse combos are getting
fairly popular, and I don't see the architecture changing, since the
vendors can do whatever they want with the windows drivers.


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