[ubuntu-x] X configuration in Hardy?

Bryce Harrington bryce at bryceharrington.org
Wed Sep 12 10:21:39 BST 2007

Welcome everyone joining the list!

One of the major topics/goals that prompted this list is the need for
discussion about redoing the X configuration system.  Most of the
groundwork has been done with X's recent hotplug features, so I'm
hopeful we can land this work in Hardy.

I've written up some thoughts on this blueprint:


Essentially, the thought is to switch from the current system, where the
goal is to get a config even if we have to make wild guesses, to one
where by default we let X configure itself except for specific cases we
know will need to have an xorg.conf, and make heavier use of our
fallback tools (like displayconfig-gtk and bulletproof-x) to catch the
corner cases where things fail.

What do others think of this approach?  So far, anecdotal reports
indicate that the X auto-config works most of the time, but is that a
valid indication that it's ready to be relied on this heavily?  How much
of the current (2100+ line) xorg-server POSTINST bash script should we
keep - should we refactor it, or rip it out and replace it with
something simpler?


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