[ubuntu-x] New auto-xorg-git.sh

Bryce Harrington bryce at bryceharrington.org
Fri Nov 30 20:32:09 GMT 2007

Attached.  This adds some support for doing automatic packaging for
lib's, proto's, etc. (need the -p flag).  Also, I've peppered it with
some TODO's that could benefit from your review.

Also attached is a (simple-minded) driver script to run auto-xorg-git
for all proto's and lib's.  I'd like to see auto-xorg-git.sh improved to
a point where the driver script runs successfully on all these
packages.  I think it's just requiring some better git merge logic or


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Name: xorg-pkg-all.sh
Type: application/x-sh
Size: 1405 bytes
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Url : https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-x/attachments/20071130/f7565ab1/attachment.sh 
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Name: auto-xorg-git.sh
Type: application/x-sh
Size: 9956 bytes
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Url : https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-x/attachments/20071130/f7565ab1/attachment-0001.sh 

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