[UbuntuWomen] +1 Ubuntu Woman

Svetlana Belkin belkinsa at ubuntu.com
Wed Feb 18 23:34:55 UTC 2015

On 02/18/2015 06:29 PM, Sakti Aishwarya Arunachalam wrote:
> I am pretty new to Open source, so I would love to learn as much as
> possible with any inputs and tips from you guys. And is there a possible
> list of dos and don’ts perhaps?

This is what Ubuntu Women has: http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/BestPractices

Please be aware that it's a incomplete one but I think you should be 
able to find what you need.  There is somethings that relate to LoCo's 
not our team, like the last two items.
Svetlana Belkin
A.K.A: belkinsa
User Wiki page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/belkinsa

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