[UbuntuWomen] [Project Harvest]Planning for Development

Svetlana Belkin belkinsa at ubuntu.com
Wed Feb 18 23:13:06 UTC 2015


I e-mailed Daniel Holbach about giving ownership of the harvest-dev team 
to the Elected Leaders of Ubuntu Women, but no response yet.  I'm doing 
this in order to get control over the team so we can get the ones 
inserted in helping in and remove the inactive folks.

But in the meanwhile, I would like to talk about planning for 
development as a plan is needed for success.  The main things that I 
would like to talk about are creating roles, assigning the bugs, setting 
deadlines for them, and creating an IRC channel.

*Creating Roles*

Since Harvest is a program, there are various items that are needed. 
Documentation (user and developer), coding, leadership/management, and 
bug management are the four that I can think of.  Having that said, I 
think we need at least one in each but coding.  For coding, I think we 
need two or more people- which we have based on the people who reached 
me.  As for leadership/management, I can take that role because I 
already have it. I will also take a shot at documentation.  That leaves 
bug management, but I think I can take that role in the beginning and 
pass it on once we find someone that can do it.

Am I missing other roles?

*Assigning Bugs*

To make life easier, I suggest that we assign bugs since we already have 
a framework of code to work on.  Once the ownership is passed to the 
Elected Leaders of Ubuntu Women, we can have a meeting where we do bug 
assignments.  Or we can do it before.  It's our choice.

*Setting Deadlines for Bugs*

I'm doing this to get things done as soon as possible.  But I have no 
idea on how long a deadline should be.  Suggestions please.

*Creating an IRC Channel*

Just food for thought.  We can do it via #ubuntu-women as it's a quiet 
channel or have one for Harvest.

This not set in stone yet and is open for discussion.  I'm willing to 
have a meeting with the folks that are interested before we start work. 
  Also, I will create blueprints for what we need.
Svetlana Belkin
A.K.A: belkinsa
User Wiki page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/belkinsa

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