[UbuntuWomen] New member

Svetlana Belkin belkinsa at ubuntu.com
Thu Feb 12 20:38:08 UTC 2015

On 02/12/2015 02:14 PM, sugetha kch wrote:
> I am a newbie to the open source community. Please do guide me. I learn
> pretty fast so don't worry.

I'm willing to help you, and we can do it via IRC if you want.  I'm 
around all day from 10 AM to 10 PM EST tomorrow in #ubuntu-women on 
irc.freenode.net.  The nick is belkinsa, just ping me when you are ready.

> I was wondering what my next steps are? How do I start contributing? I
> contacted Svetlana about the Harvest project and learned that it is in
> the stage 2.

On this page: http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/ProjectHarvest#Developers and 
add you name to that list.  If you need help, you can ask me or anyone 
else here for help.

I need to speak to the head developer of the project to claim the 
ownership of the harvest-dev team.  I planning to set up a meeting once 
we get enough developers (aiming for at least three developers) in order 
to figure out what to do.  But, in the meanwhile, you can review the 
bugs[1] to see which ones that you think that you can work on, coding 
wise, and play around with code for those bugs.

Svetlana Belkin
A.K.A: belkinsa
User Wiki page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/belkinsa

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