[UbuntuWomen] April Meeting Reminder

Mikaela Suomalainen mikaela at mikaela.info
Tue Apr 14 12:24:20 UTC 2015

Dear All,
                  We have our meeting at 18:00 UTC [1] (TODAY) in
#ubuntu-women-project on irc.freenode.net!

[1] https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=Ubuntu+Women+Month+Meeting&iso=20150414T18&p1=%3A&ah=1

PS. I sent this email, because belkinsa at IRC says that their email
is broken currently and I am not sure how this email is supposed to be
sent, so I just copied A. Mani from March Meeting Reminder and fixed
the time.

Mikaela Suomalainen

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