[UbuntuWomen] Introduction

Svetlana Belkin belkinsa at ubuntu.com
Thu Sep 18 21:23:55 UTC 2014

On 09/18/2014 02:32 PM, jody hansen wrote:
> OMGosh, what an amazing response. I'm poking around some of these links
> right now.

:D  We are aways here to help!

> I'm not necessarily tied to the biological sciences, in fact I wouldn't
> mind moving away from it a bit, but mostly I'm looking to further my
> skills and the chance to work with others. So it doesn't really matter
> what the project is; I just want to approach it from a CS perspective.
> I'm pretty happy doing most things as long as I'm learning!

You aren't the only one with this problem of being tied with biology and
wanting to move away.  I'm slightly am trying to get away myself but I
still want to stay in biology with tieing in my hobby of computers and

And learning along the way is a good thing.
Svetlana Belkin
A.K.A: belkinsa
User Wiki page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/belkinsa

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