[UbuntuWomen] Hi, I'm new!

Anna Baas annabaas at gmail.com
Sun Jun 22 05:23:52 UTC 2014

Hi Hanna!

I am Anna, also from the Netherlands :) Welcome to the group!

I live in Utrecht and work as a software engineer (but I studied physics,
not CS, which means if you want to be buried in maths I can get you sorted
;-) ).

I will also be helping out with the Harvest project Svetlana mentioned,
although I currently have a few 'real-life' things going on which mean I
don't have much private time :(



Less is like more, but better.

Anna Baas
Ik lees mijn mail op werkdagen tussen 12u-12u30 en 19u-20u.

2014-06-21 22:20 GMT+02:00 Hanna Hermsen <hannahermsen at gmail.com>:

> Hi all!
> I am Hanna from the Netherlands.
> My first experience with Linux was in uni, using Fedora. Later I switched
> to Ubuntu and I am now using Xubuntu because my laptop doesn't like Unity
> too much :) In total I've been using Linux for about 2 years now. I am
> pretty comfortable with the command line.
> For a long while I've been wanting to contribute to open source projects.
> I study computer science so I do have coding experience (mainly
> C/C++/Java), but my uni isn't the best one out there (for example: hardly
> any math.. crazy isn't it?) so I'm not that confident about my skills.
> I love to learn however, and I'd like to use my knowledge to help out, but
> because of the above and not really knowing where to start I haven't so
> far. That's why I joined Ubuntu Women, next to having a opportunity to
> communicate with other women in the field.
> I would love to help out on the development side, but helping others,
> translating and smashing bugs would also be fine. I did look into the
> mentoring opportunity Ubuntu Women has. Maybe I will take advantage of
> this. However, any advice on how to get started is still welcome :)
> Cheers!
> --
> Ubuntu-Women mailing list
> Ubuntu-Women at lists.ubuntu.com
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-women
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